Hey Listener, get ready to step back in time to the 2010s with Patrick Seta and Ryan Sprangen from Game Pass or Smash! Podcast to talk about the Playstation 4. Topics this week include: I hope I don’t want to be found dead playing Dead or Alive X-treme Beach Volleyball. Recording on the day of a decade of PS4. Playstation 4 stats. The importance of a great controller. Playstation VR. The future of active or passive gaming. Being frustrated by the Soulsborne games. We’re not super into the Witcher 3. Paying an hourly fee to game. A 500 hour game. The Tony Hawk games soundtracks. Everyone should play Titanfall. Destiny, it was…cool. The Fallout 4 wasteland. None of us are car guys. Abducting people with balloons in Metal Gear. Butt tickles and the walking simulator. Zombie hack and slash. Rocket League. The random animal attacks of Far Cry games. Cowboy simulator. The Last of Us 2’s brutality. A masterpiece of a game that makes you feel good. You got to give Horizon Zero Dawn a couple of tries. Give me a junior high kid to murder people with. Changing the face of Spiderman, literally. Trying to figure out if you’re an X-Box or Playstation guy?