Hey Listener, get ready to take a trip back in time as we talk about a system that altered the future of the video game industry, The Playstation 1. Jeff Rickels from Thunder Brothers and Newport Secret Six is making his first appearance on the show as well as the return of Ian Schiefer from Secret Base Cinema. Topics this week include: I don’t have an intro noise. Where when you in life when you first played the Playstation? Launch titles. Before Mortal Kombat parents just thought all video games were Mario. Changing the way games sound and look. $299. One of 7 systems to sell more than 100 million units. The international impact of Gran Turismo. Learning about music history from video game soundtracks. Evolving from a video game system to a home entertainment system. The B Movie goodness that is Resident Evil. The sounds and gameplay of Metal Gear Solid. Twisted Metal: a vehicular homicide tournament. Driver. Ninja games of yore. The weirdness of Tekken. Great, we saved Aerosmith. Giving yourself PTSD of a screaming dead baby by playing Max Payne. Trying to find a cutesy mascot for Playstation. A controller that isn’t for children. The Warehouse level of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater is permanently burned into all of our brains. Having parents that don’t care about violence. Nudity in video games? What’s your favorite Resident Evil? Ranking the Playstations in order of worst to best.