Hey Listener, grab one of those weird neck pillows you buy at the airport because this week “My Wai-fife!” Lauren Bishop returns to the show to talk about all of the vacations we’ve taken since we were married a decade ago in 2013. Topics this week include: The first guest in the history of WYI? that thought starting a load of laundry in the next room was a good idea. Getting called out for not going to the rollergirls’ game. Where can we go that has good beer and food? Visiting one of the oldest/biggest breweries on the East Coast in the middle of a subdivision. Growlers are not pitchers. The country’s smallest Kroger. Evergrain and Zero Day. The Omni Grove Park Inn. Signing the book to get into the bar. The Kaiju Battle of Wrightsville Beach and Stevie Janowski. David Lee Roth kicks and Christmas at Junkers. The worst vacation of all time. Hallway blunts, screaming, and drinking yourself to sleep. Allegedly Pac Man Jones was an issue. A bar district where every college team has a bar. Knowing what time of the year it was because of the sports that were happening during your vacation. The need for escapism as an anxiety filled creative. Experiencing the over the top breweries of San Diego and some that flew to close to the sun. My Wai-fife doesn’t understand that she isn’t like the guests. Hiking for the first time. Hot take: We don’t like Miguel’s Pizza. Going to Texas and forgetting Whiskey L’Amour’s name. Always have a Bud Light clone. Asheville 2: Now We Know Things. Going to Beer Hogwarts. Going to breweries in Boulder with Bombtrack. Escaping COVID by going to a cabin. The blueprint of a roller derby road trip. Michigan: God, Guns, and Weed. Asheville 3: Canceled by the Cronies. Going to Portland to marry people and hang out at the coolest video game bar ever. Fangirling out and the importance of telling stories in sports. A tale of 2 breweries. Stop playing Sublime at breweries. The KEXP journey. A return to the recent past in Las Vegas.