The Nitty-Gritty:

* Why bodywork practitioner Mindy Totten decided to take her 6.5-day per week business and turn it into a 3-day per week business* How specializing on a single modality helped her earn more while working less* The internal shift Mindy needed to go through to make the 3-day work week possible* The process she used to put her clients on her schedule—instead of theirs

I started my business when I was a stay-at-home mom.

I had to fit my work in during naps, evening writing escapes, and breastfeeding sessions (luckily, there were plenty of those).

When I decided to take the business full-time, I was convinced I would get so much more work done. I’d be able to do all the things I used to dream of but couldn’t fit in.

Well, I was wrong.

You see, when I started working full-time hours, I had a lot more breathing room. And while that sounds great, what it really meant was that I didn’t have to be so focused or productive anymore. I could approach my work with a much more laissez faire attitude.

I went from working 15 hours per week to working 40 hours per week and I really didn’t have much more to show for it.

What I realized is that, when my time was constrained, my focus was heightened.

Now, luckily that was 9 years ago, and I’ve learned how to reproduce the level of focus I had achieved as a part-time business owner working full-time hours. I really can get much more done now than I used to.

But I know lots of people who still struggle with fitting it all in.

That’s why I wanted to talk with today’s guest about how she’s streamlined her business workload to just 3 days per week.

Mindy Totten is the founder of the Oasis Center for Craniosacral Therapy in Wilmington, North Carolina, and the creator of The Bodywork Project, a program helping bodyworkers learn the business skills they need to succeed.

Mindy and I chat about how she streamlined her schedule from working 6 1/2 days per week to working just 3 days per week. We also talk about the internal shift that made that move possible, how her prices have adapted to the new schedule, and how her business operations have evolved.

You’ll even hear the story what happened when she broke the news to a client who had been seeing her on the same day every week for a decade!

Have you made a dramatic change to the hours you work on your small business?

Have you streamlined and focused your business in a different way? I’d love to hear from you. Share the story on Instagram and tag me @tara_mcmullin and the hashtag #explorewhatworks—or shoot me a message.

Now, let’s find out what’s working for Mindy Totten!

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