We visit with Sirius XM's Annie Cruz who has been a former adult film star, dating and life coach who now hosts a show on Satellite Radio talking sex and relationships while returning to school to finish school and study psychology.

Chronicling her real-life sex adventures as well as giving sex and dating advice on her popular radio show “The Dirtiest Girl in the World” on SiriusXM 415, Cruz is a former adult actress. In 2003, she broke into adult entertainment, when she was 18 and a sophomore in college. 
Multi-award nominee and winner for AVN, XBIZ and XRCO, she has delivered countless notorious performances on film, ranging from typical gonzo to BDSM as a Domme. She was also ranked 22 in the top 50 hottest Asian porn stars of all time by Complex Magazine. Other appearances include Howard Stern, MTV, Viceland, Showtime, Cinemax, various music videos and independent films, including the film, “Mope,” which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2019. An avid comic book collector, video gamer, horror fanatic, and self-proclaimed Batman enthusiast, she has also been building her own props and cosplaying for over a decade. 
There was a short period in which Cruz helped run a dating and lifestyle coaching company, where she and her partners coached men from all over the world on how to not only talk to women and date, but how to be better men. Determined to overcome the stereotypes of her erstwhile profession, she’s given lectures on sex positivity at universities and conventions. Breaking the stigma surrounding sex is something she strives to continue doing even after having left the industry 5 years ago. 
In addition to her radio show, she also currently co-hosts a wrestling podcast called “Wrestle Fetish” talking all things wrestling and streams on Twitch, playing video games and using her real name. She has also returned to school to study Psychology.