She is a vision in ropes for Bondage Cafe and Jim Weathers but there is so much more to this talented fetish star beyond the bonds. Meet Skylar West as she joins HiThereCatsuit on the show presented by Dating Kinky with thanks to KinksterMerch on Etsy

Skylar West is an artist, writer filmmaker and of course a glamour bondage and fetish model.
Hailing from the “Bible Belt,” which is the Midwest, Skylar grew up attending Baptist church
every Sunday. Being ‘not’ fond of the church attire and the Sunday school charades, West
weaseled her way out of class and into the nursery helping her Mother whilst her Father ran the
music production at Sunday Service.
West carried on her knack for being an escape artist, and found the Arts to be a perfect
introvert’s activity. Always drawing, painting, doodling... acting, dancing and role playing... she
was surprisingly encouraged to be creative and happy hence the weekly march to church.
The stint of shyness seemed to wear off around the same time her family quit attending church,
and West was exploring her interest in dance performance. She and her cousin would
coordinate dance routines at the family gatherings while nickel and dimeing them before
forcing them to watch their cringey dance shows. Wearing horrific scantily clad neon and
dancing to Madonna or Janet, they both made enough money to buy a couple pieces of candy
at the store.
It was around the time Madonna put out her most “risqué” album, “Erotica,” that changed
everything for West.
“I cried and complained like Veruca Salt: ‘Why can’t I have it!? I want it! I need to have her new
album Mom!’ And eventually pissed my Mom off so bad, she drove me to the music store and
stomped her way inside- left me in the car alone mid-tears... comes back out a few minutes
later... opens her door and throws the Erotica album at me. That got me to shut the F up real
quick. There was no looking back after Erotica happened.”
While West loved role playing all things Madonna, she also developed her artistic crafts in
drawing, dancing, acting and writing.
West was slowly coming out of her shell, but not everything would be seen by the public.
“I would sneak out to the TV room in the middle of the night and watch Real Sex and Taxicab
Confessions. I never talked about it to my peers or anyone.”
Sneaky Peeky Skylar was a little naughty bandit too...
“Me and my neighborhood girl friend went into her Dad’s room and stole his Hustler magazines
and went out to the side of the house and would just be like ‘whoa’... then I ripped out a few
pictures and kept them in a secret box and would later stun some of my boy friends who came
over to play. Was I a weird kid?”
But West proceeded to do normal kid things like becoming a cheerleader, was on the dance
team, track team, joined the school art club, hosted the morning announcements and made
movies with her friends.
West later did the Plan B college thing and went to Art School to develop her interests in
music, film and design... but eventually had to chase her obsession with the California dream.

West went West, and has worked for various entertainment outlets as a writer and host. She
currently produces her own films and works in Hollywood films which will not be named.
Just recently, burlesque icon herself- Dita Von Teese, invited Skylar to perform alongside her in
the famous burlesque show Glamonatrix.
“I have looked up to Dita as long as I can remember. To share the same stage as her was so
surreal I still can’t believe it!”
It only took West half her life to put the fetish uniform on and finally play the game. And even
then, it’s only just the beginning of the match... With a lot left to play out.
*West is soon wrapping a scripted film collaboration with iconic bondage rigger and
producer Jim Weathers. This Erotic Thriller film created by Weathers and West, stars
Skylar West with cameos from Christina Carter, Dee Williams and Candle Box.
*Weathers and West are also currently in development with a talk show.
Twitter: @IamSkylarWest
Only Fans: @IamSkylarWest
Loyal Fans: @IamSkylarWest
Instagram: @IamSkylarWestmore
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PHOTO CREDIT: Jim Weathers & Bondage Cafe at