101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do⁠
It's the new book from @TheDildorks podcast host @Girly_Juice, Kate Sloan. She returns for a #season2 appearance to talk about her work & how life has changed over the last year since she was last on.

Hi! I’m Kate Sloan. I’m a sex writer, podcaster, and speaker. I love sex and I believe that it is holistic, transformative, goofy, and magic – so that’s what I write about.
I’ve been blogging about sex, kink, relationships, fashion, beauty, and mental health here at GirlyJuice.net for over 8 years. In that time, I’ve also:

Scored a book deal for 101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do, which will be out in October!
Written essays and journalism for publications like Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Teen Vogue, and Playboy
Started two much-loved podcasts, The Dildorks and Question Box
Joined the social media team at adult-industry marketing firm 7 Veils Media
Written an ongoing column in Herizons magazine, Body Politics, about consent and culture
Chatted with fascinating guests while hosting Sex City Radio
Started a newsletter, Sub Missives, about sex, kink, and relationships
Done copywriting and blogging work for adult-industry clients like Andrew Blake, Weal & Breech, and JT’s Stockroom
Taught classes on sex writing, vulvovaginal anatomy, productivity, and sex toys
Become a frequent media interviewee on topics like kink, porn, and chronic illness
Earned a Bachelor of Journalism degree (yep, a B.J.!) with a minor in psychology from Ryerson University