Dubbed “The Approachable Pervert” by peers, renowned Kink Educator and Professional Dominant Eve Minax demystifies BDSM by showing erotic explorers how to be more confident, compassionate, and kinky! We talk to this legendary personality about the past, present and future of kink.

Dubbed “The Approachable Pervert” by peers, renowned Kink Educator and Professional Dominant Eve Minax demystifies BDSM by showing erotic explorers how to be more confident, compassionate, and kinky! A long-term advocate and trainer of upcoming Lifestyle and Professional Dominants, Minax acted as Lead Staff Instructor for the Cleo Dubois Academy of SM Arts from 2002-2020 www.cleodubois.com and has taught Kink and BDSM at conferences for over 20 years. A certified body piercer (Fakir Musafar 2003), Sex Educator (SFSI 2004), Urban Tantrika www.barbaracarrellas.com and Bondassage Eve Minax ~ Bondassage San Francisco practitioner and trainer, Minax values the importance of ongoing training. You may find educational videos at Kink Academy  and other Kink Education sites. Intrigued by the psychobiology of BDSM and its potential to heal, Eve currently collaborates with TASHRA(http://www.tashra.org/ on kink, neurodiversity, and trauma recovery. Find Eve Minax at www.eveminax.com and support “Getting the Kinks Out” at Patreon!