This special Friday show happens in the middle of the event known as Cuckweek, which celebrates the world around this connective form of kink. And with the release earlier this week of  a wonderful audiobook written on the subject of cuckolding, and female empowered ethical nonmonogamy, called Insatiable Wives from renowned clinical psychologist Dr. David Ley - we thought it would be great to bring some of the voices of the this world to the show for a discussion on the subject.

Rose Caraway is a native Northern California writer, editor, audiobook narrator, and podcaster for the #1 Erotica show in iTunes, and Spotify The Kiss Me Quick’s Erotica Podcast. She freely celebrates all things erotica with her wonderful husband and Lurid Listeners, and is fondly known as “The Sexy Librarian”.
Rose’s writings have prominently showcased her sex-positive approach to life, as well as shown her commitment to both feminism and masculinism. She believes that people of all genders and orientations should be considered complementary and interdependent and are necessary for a truly healthy and functional society.
She is joined by a long time supporter of our show and the woman whose hotwife tshirt is her trademark across social media, Mistress K  
She is a Hotwife/Cuckoldress Domme Primal in an FLR marriage.  She is Ethically Non-Monogamous, Bi-curious, and Heteromantic.  As well as a SlutSister, Kinkster, Sexual Health advocate and newly minted Sex and Kink Blogger.  She calls herself a huge nerd, and when not talking about kink and lifestyle stuff, she’s usually reading comic books or critiquing movies and TV.
And finally, the woman you hear start our show each and every week, the founder of Dating Kinky, Nookie Notes, writer, promoter, educator and amazing supporter of the kink community through her work with the dating and education site Dating Kinky, it’s kinky done differently.