It's the incredible story of Blueberry Sage, who has created a world on Instagram and YouTube of a post apocalyptic world spent in Latex in the garden, building computers and more. But the real story of this remarkable human is so much more interesting and this show comes with a most surprising ending. Make sure you watch till the end!

Blueberry Sage is a fictional persona created by a woman who loves latex, gardening, and letting her imagination run wild. 

Shortly before pandemic, she promised herself to live life more authentically and be her true self, thinking, "Why live for people who would reject who I really am?" 

An author who is often sought after to speak at writing events on a variety of topics, she began wearing latex to those events and eventually turned it into her brand, giving professional talks to packed rooms while wearing rubber catsuits and dresses.

Latex had become such a regular part of her life that when she started posting pictures of her latest gardening adventures, people said she looked like a post apocalyptic gardener in black latex and a gas mask.

And thus, Blueberry Sage was born, a latex-wearing gardener from an alternative world who shares her very public rubber life with anyone and everyone. 

The real woman behind the scenes also has a very public rubber life, and works as an author, living with her wife and daughter.


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