They Don't Want You to See an Imperfect Prophet
The prophet of God stands as a watchman upon the tower—a sentinel chosen by the divine to guide, protect, and illuminate the path of righteousness for those seeking spiritual refuge. However, it is essential to recognize that these watchmen, though anointed with divine authority, are, at their core, mere mortals, complete with their imperfections, struggles, and vulnerabilities.In a world filled with cynics and critics, it's not uncommon to witness people scrutinizing the prophet, eagerly searching for faults, and pointing out imperfections. It's a natural human tendency to expect flawlessness from those who lead us spiritually. But it's crucial to understand that God does not call perfect individuals to bear the weight of divine revelations. Rather, He often chooses those who are humble and willing to be molded, knowing their own frailties.The prophet is not immune to human weaknesses; instead, they serve as a living testament to the transformative power of divine grace. Their calling is a reminder that God can work through ordinary individuals, elevating them to extraordinary heights when they yield to His will.
It is The Lord's will to call, and the Lord alone chastisesthose he calls.
When we seek to condemn the prophets, we seek from our own imperfections and mortal frailties, to know better, and to judge the Lord's choice.