Brought to you by "If It's Broken Don't Fix It" By Mr Noriega
Everyone and everything is in a state of non-human irrationality. Why is everyone so hell bent on looking the other way, forgetting the madnes, the horror, the insanity? Why do we seem to be trapped in some strange dimension where everything is flip flopped? These are just the rantings and observations of a man on the outside looking in through a window left open. I wonder what can be done. I have a thousand words that fall as sparks from the fire but never catch the ground. I see with eyes that might see different colors that I can't explain. But everyone and everything seems to be looking in the opposite direction. They all seem to be focused on the wrong thing, as the shadows creep from the ground and out of the graves. As the darkness grows and no one is watchin. And I feel like I can't say enough to warn everyone. They are all engulfed in darkness and the world is set to end in a horrible final scream from the mouth of everyone.