Brought to you by "If It's Broken Don't Fix It" By Mr Noriega
Faith in our nation means to trust in the established order and look the other way when the perverted rats hang Trump on display for the world to see. Biden the mock leader of our nation plays handy pervy with every little girl he sees. the main Stream Media hold up their sacred golden calf of twisted morality- transgender marriage to praise in front of all. But just put on a smile. We don't need to be negative.
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Today you have to worry about taking your kids to the doctor: whether they will take him aside to another room and talk about he she, and maybe not what you think. Or maybe they'll deem you incompetent and sick their CPS dogs on you, so they can add your child to the Ring of trafficking. If not you can't worship with everyone else that plays nice and laughs and has fun. Look to the new brazen serpent. You must follow, line up, you will all comply because you have to. Or else yo will be punished like all the rest.

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