The upcoming election has so many of us filled with hopes and anticipation as we wait for someone to sweep in and rescue us, rescue our constitution, from this evil regime that has taken over government and destroyed our freedom. We expect the Republicans to claim victory and once again restore a balance between good and evil. It sounds like something out of an epic novel. Unfortunately, those of us that are awake and watching can see what's right in front of us. The signs are everywhere, and there is no clean sweeping victory for the side of honor and righteousness. The same dominion machines will tally the votes, the same judges will rule in favor of the overlord, and the same corrupt politicians will continue to rule and reign. This is just the beginning of the reign of the Secret Society of Men, the SSM. They have yet to present to us the Antichrists'. They have yet to destroy and persecute and kill the saints. They will do so shortly and Satan himself will rule. Of course there is still the Trump Card in 24.

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