The federal government and the New world order are all pushing towards one United digital currency. The American government calls it the digital dollar. But there are many players including the Chinese, the Russians, Africa, the Middle East and the United Nations. Whoever controls the digital new world currency controls the financial power of the world. Mark my words when I tell you that digital currency and social credits go hand in hand. Once digital currency hits the open market you will become a slave to them, begging to be able to spend your own money. They will control what you spend it on, what you're allowed to have for indulgences, and if you've been a naughty boy on social media your credits will be locked down belong they deem fit. Believe you me once the digital dollar hits it will be the final nail in our freedom to choose, freedom to act, freedom to speak; for everything will be punishable through digital currency. If you can't spend you can eat. And those that are threat to the safety and security of the world order. Those that dare to handle misinformation must pay. And after a few days of not eating believe me you'll be trained enough to keep your mouth closed next time. So how do we head job for this inevitable future? There must be something hidden away in our mattresses. Something physical something we can touch for when we have to bug out. And the crap hits the fan we need to have something to survive with. Or we will not be able to keep our independence our lives for too long.

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