It has been years since we've seen an unbiased and not partisan professional piece of journalism from any of it news outlets; but more specially from CNN. This supposed news agency has presented the public with the most audacious one-sided politically skewed rhetoric comparable to communist parties propaganda. There is no neutrality when it comes to CNN. On issues of abortion, Donald Trump, homosexuality, racism, open borders, or anything else that matters, CNN has used its power to influence the mind of Americans in such a way that they have become a threat to our society in our way of life. Today they would reports on President Trump and call him a traitor, the greatest threat to the American public, the greatest threat to freedom, and a liar. They would say he broke the law, accuse him of all manner of atrocities and match their teeth at him as though they were devils incarnate. Never before it has America faced such a threat as the freedom of press being abolished by these monopolizing use stations that are obviously controlled and owned by extremists. They only reports and exhort views that are skewed, untrue, and one sided. I wish that America had a right to think for itself, but we do not. If we see it any other way and the twisted lies that come from these mainstream media platforms and they label us extremists and threats. The Constitution faces is its greatest enemy CNN