We wish for a time machine, because we don't have many years left to enjoy this Earth. If we were to pick an era it would definately be the 80's. They stole our America, our freedom, our culture. Before I want real school lunches not Michael Obama's, (yes I meant Michael not Michelle) messed up menu where pizza is a vegetable. Michael Obama's pushing those horrible bills. I want to go back and enjoy fat, not sugar on non-fat. Taste the cream not the skim. When did fat become bad? Today I eat pork and I feel a spongy substance that can't be pork. What am I eating?
Get me back to when the land was free and our lives were our own. It feels like I've been deported to a third world country, except that the country is the United States. Satan is in charge. I was born in the land of the free, the home of the brave, but all I see is cowards. What can any of us do? We will never get back what they've stolen, what they've taken from us. Now our home is invaded by people flooding the borders & traitors from within. I want a big mac, a real big mac and fries. But from the 80's. From a real time when America was great.
Today children are forced to take MMR and a slew of other vaccines nearing 100 count. It's no wonder so many are getting developmental diseases. MS and allergies are rampant. No agenda 2020 back then. No chemtrails. No bottled water. Tap was good enough. The hose was fresh. Neighborhoods were safe; you could ride your bike anywhere at any time. There was no child Trafficking. The video games were safe, there was no pollution, Kids socialized together not on the phone. Economy, music, movies - all were great. Today we don't have a choice, everything is rated R.

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