Previous Episode: The Passions of Egypt
Next Episode: Flirting With Bears

It's time to revisit our last four books of Season 1 for Fuck, Marry, Kill. Well, if we can remember the books...

Fire Baptized (Interracial Paranormal Romance) (Santeria Habitat Series Book 1) by Kenya Wright and our episode Murdery Murdery Smut.

Guardian (Collectors Division Book 1) by Lexie Winston and our episode Edging Extreme

Spells of Iron and Bone: Tarot Academy Series 1 by Sarah Piper and our episodes The Tarot Monologue and All The Tarot

Demons in the Bedroom by Lidiya Foxglove and our episode Hammers & Screws.

We would love to hear who you would Fuck Marry and Kill for our new episodes.