Show Notes Episode 93 “No Hope But Mount Hope” Redux

Hello and welcome to the podcast that asks a simple question, when you just wrote a new intro to a rerun episode and hoped nobody would notice what the HELL were you thinking? I am your Host Dave Bledsoe and this is a Friday December 30th 2017 “No Hope But Mount Hope” redux edition of the show where we are taking the week off and rerunning the most downloaded episode of the show. Stay tuned.

Hi podfriends, hope you had a very Murray Christmas (Murray) I saw Murray Christmas because until Trump leaves office I REFUSE to say Merry Christmas on principle and I kinda LOVE the name Murray. (Tuesdays With Murray) Since Gavin is back in the UK visiting his all knew Gavin in English right? He used to work for the BBC before he was shitcanned for saying mean things about Prince Harry, tragic really. Our redux this week is Episode 93, originally aired January 20th of this year, and it is predicting that things might not be THAT bad under President Trump. I am happy to report many of the things I was afraid when I recorded this episode did NOT come to pass, I am sad to report the things that DID happen are in some ways worse. But, at LEAST I am not recording a show from a concentration camp in North Dakota. (next year).

As I noted, THIS episode is the most downloaded of all my podcasts and for the life of me I could not understand why. I mean, did people suddenly need me to reassure them that life would continue even IF Trump was President, were the really into the idea of Zed’s Apocalypse Vault? (unlikely) Nope, come to find out, the Canadian Fractal Pattern released an album in 2004 of the same name, likely inspired by the same quote from Stephen King’s The Stand that I took the show title from. You know what sucks the most for the band, this podcast episode has a higher Google rank than the actual album. You bust your ass to make music and some drunk asshole with a podcast beats you out on Google and steals your clicks. That is Trump’s America in a nutshell. So, without further ado, Happy New Year, see you in 2018 (morning) and enjoy this “Best Of” edition of the show.

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Show Notes Episode 93 “No Hope But Mount Hope” Redux

Hello and welcome to the podcast that asks a simple question, when you just wrote a new intro to a rerun episode and hoped nobody would notice what the HELL were you thinking? I am your Host Dave Bledsoe and this is a Friday December 30th 2017 “No Hope But Mount Hope” redux edition of the show where we are taking the week off and rerunning the most downloaded episode of the show. Stay tuned.

Hi podfriends, hope you had a very Murray Christmas (Murray) I saw Murray Christmas because until Trump leaves office I REFUSE to say Merry Christmas on principle and I kinda LOVE the name Murray. (Tuesdays With Murray) Since Gavin is back in the UK visiting his all knew Gavin in English right? He used to work for the BBC before he was shitcanned for saying mean things about Prince Harry, tragic really. Our redux this week is Episode 93, originally aired January 20th of this year, and it is predicting that things might not be THAT bad under President Trump. I am happy to report many of the things I was afraid when I recorded this episode did NOT come to pass, I am sad to report the things that DID happen are in some ways worse. But, at LEAST I am not recording a show from a concentration camp in North Dakota. (next year).

As I noted, THIS episode is the most downloaded of all my podcasts and for the life of me I could not understand why. I mean, did people suddenly need me to reassure them that life would continue even IF Trump was President, were the really into the idea of Zed’s Apocalypse Vault? (unlikely) Nope, come to find out, the Canadian Fractal Pattern released an album in 2004 of the same name, likely inspired by the same quote from Stephen King’s The Stand that I took the show title from. You know what sucks the most for the band, this podcast episode has a higher Google rank than the actual album. You bust your ass to make music and some drunk asshole with a podcast beats you out on Google and steals your clicks. That is Trump’s America in a nutshell. So, without further ado, Happy New Year, see you in 2018 (morning) and enjoy this “Best Of” edition of the show.

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