Show Notes Episode 146: My Devin Just Wrote Me A Letter

This week Host Dave Bledsoe makes an error on his TPS Report cover sheet and claims he never even got that memo! On the show this week we cover a Memo of a different sort, you know one crafted by one corrupt idiot to cover up the crimes of another corrupt idiot. (Imagine how angry we will be when it is actually released!)

Along the way we enlighten you to the utter unimportance of ANY State of the Union Address (The state of our Union is fine, good night everybody). We ponder the mental acuity of your average member of Congress and realize that even THEY think Devin Nunes is a moron. There is some small allusion to the fate of a Fox News talking Nazi Bobblehead when the Revolution comes. (In a purely hypothetical way) Finally we find ourselves in the untenable position of DEFENDING the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Not you Mulder, you’re cool with us!)

Our Sponsor this week is Big Jim’s Memo Hut, if you are thoroughly corrupt, think Big Jim’s Memo Hut! We open the show with the Secret of My Success and close with Youtubers The Late Ones discussing the postal system. (

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Citations Needed:

Getting Freaking In Fresno

I Mean It’s the FBI!

Northern Liberal Commie Plot
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Show Notes Episode 146: My Devin Just Wrote Me A Letter

This week Host Dave Bledsoe makes an error on his TPS Report cover sheet and claims he never even got that memo! On the show this week we cover a Memo of a different sort, you know one crafted by one corrupt idiot to cover up the crimes of another corrupt idiot. (Imagine how angry we will be when it is actually released!)

Along the way we enlighten you to the utter unimportance of ANY State of the Union Address (The state of our Union is fine, good night everybody). We ponder the mental acuity of your average member of Congress and realize that even THEY think Devin Nunes is a moron. There is some small allusion to the fate of a Fox News talking Nazi Bobblehead when the Revolution comes. (In a purely hypothetical way) Finally we find ourselves in the untenable position of DEFENDING the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Not you Mulder, you’re cool with us!)

Our Sponsor this week is Big Jim’s Memo Hut, if you are thoroughly corrupt, think Big Jim’s Memo Hut! We open the show with the Secret of My Success and close with Youtubers The Late Ones discussing the postal system. (

Show Music:
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The Show on Soundcloud
Give us your money on Patreon
The Show Line: 347 687 9601

Citations Needed:

Getting Freaking In Fresno

I Mean It’s the FBI!

Northern Liberal Commie Plot

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