There was a rumor floating about the bowels of the interwebs that the Hells Angels AND the Mongols were both on their way up I-5 to "take care of" the CHAZ. Like so many things on the interwebs it turned out to be a white rabbit hole that went nowhere.

That said, there is still a lot more to unpack about the CHAZ, or CHOP, as they prefer to be called. Is there an actual "solution" to the CHAZ? If there is, what might it look like? Or does it even matter?

The Beer of the  Week is not the one Dave is drinking, although it is similar. It is the Slo Brew  A-Slo-Ha, which is something of a surprise as Robo's well-known disdain for IPAs had the oddsmakers looking in another direction.

And DNR announces the Listener of the Week award, which is named after the memory of their greatest listener...