Previous Episode: You Should Write That Down
Next Episode: Muggs

Are you ready for another gripping, thought-provoking, and downright hilarious episode of What The Frock? Our favorite dynamic duo, Rabbi Dave and Friar Roderick, are back at the mic, weaving their unique tapestry of wisdom and wit. This week’s episode promises a delectable blend of tech talk, skeptical love affairs, and some political pondering.

First on the agenda: the rise of AI in the world of podcasting. How many of your favorite shows are using artificial intelligence for tasks from editing to even content creation? Rabbi Dave, with his ever-present love for tech, dives into the intricacies and innovations of AI in broadcasting. But will Friar Roderick be as sold on our robot overlords? Expect a lively debate that juxtaposes modern advancements with age-old wisdom. And hey, can AI really capture the human essence of a podcast?

Next, brace yourself for some hearty laughs and possible gasps as our hosts delve into "Things that people say they love but we think they’re lying about it." We’ve all been there – nodding in agreement about that *uber popular* TV show or pretending to adore that *top-charting* song. Rabbi Dave and Friar Roderick spill the beans on the overrated fan-favorites they believe people are feigning fondness for. Is it the avocado toast trend? Or perhaps those high-intensity spin classes that everyone claims to adore? Prepare to be both challenged and entertained as they unpack the perhaps 'unpopular' opinions that might just resonate with many of us.

Lastly, as always, no episode of "What The Frock?" would be complete without some political discourse. The burning question of the day: Was Trump’s decision to skip the GOP debate a masterful strategic move or a potential stumble? Our hosts don their political analyst hats, providing their distinct perspectives. Rabbi Dave delves into the history of political debates and their strategic importance, while Friar Roderick might offer some insights into the art of the gamble. No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, this discussion promises to be both enlightening and engaging.

So, whether you're tuning in for some techie talk, hunting for humorous takes on 'beloved' trends, or aiming for some astute analysis on political maneuvers, this episode of "What The Frock?" is your perfect auditory companion.

Remember to subscribe, share, and let Rabbi Dave and Friar Roderick know your own thoughts on these topics. Do you trust AI with your podcasts? And which popular trends are *you* secretly skeptical of?

Until next time, keep questioning, keep laughing, and keep tuning into "What The Frock?"