Is the protest  formerly known as CHAZ about to get "Red Pilled?" How do we even have a clue as to what to believe about what is going on? If we keep on "Doomscrolling"  we end up driving ourselves crazy trying to figure out what is going on in the glorious Peoples Demokratick Repulick of #CHOP, or anywhere else for that matter.

Facebook Memes are another part of the problem. Just because a given meme says that somebody you don't know and that you have never met said something that you like to believe that they would say or what you think that they might think, doesn't make it so.

Rod has an interesting BEER of the WEEK, and Dave finally catches up to the Chicken Pot Pie episode in The BINGE.

It's a busy week ahead as Rod heads out to Southern California for a major family event.


Science by Press Release

The CHOP Webcam #1