Previous Episode: Muggs
Next Episode: IT'S A TRAP!!!!!

It’s been a strange week. Then again, maybe it was last week that was strange?

It’s a Holiday Weekend, so if you’re expected any in depth analysis of anything, you’re in for a disappointment. The boys are highly distracted and the conversation is as confused as the calendar in 1752. Dave has an announcement about his future, while Rod spent yesterday enjoying the pageantry of not watching NCAA Football opening weekend.

AI is taking over the sex work industry, but is it good news it that maybe it can help with the current crop of Zombies that are running the nation?

You can let the Government know that you saw a UFO. which is not what they call them anymore.

In the end, you should never steal from a church. Jesus doesn’t like that…

All that and a whole lot more this week on What The Frock!