Previous Episode: Sanhaim Blessings Upon Thee
Next Episode: Bananas... Or Else...

The Right Reverend Rodbo, Larid of Oakdale, and Dr. Rabbi Colonel Dave gather to celebrate the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the other Bodiless Powers of Heaven.

Dave, of course, is in a mood over Social Media and the listener who doesn't like his long-standing policy about validating other peoples existence. Meanwhile Rodbo, Laird of Oakdale, is taking his Bride of thirty-one years to Pismo, which meant Dave had to get up early to record. But at the end of the day, it won't stop Rod from bringing you the BEER of the WEEK or Dave from drifting down TWO Rabbit Holes of the Week, including why Jesus was painted to look like a 15th Century Mass Murderer and how the Russians managed to do the impossible this week in 1986.

Our Listener City  of the Week takes us to Scandinavia in what, once upon a time, was Denmark, then Sweden and now is "Norway," which may or may not be an actual place.