Previous Episode: Better Than Ham
Next Episode: The Invisible Yarmulke

On this episode of DO NOT RESUSCITATE, Rabbi Colonel Dave and The Right Reverend RodBo delve into the political and social issues surrounding the psychosexual habits of barmaids in Peru. Despite their theological differences, this deeply controversial subject is treated with the greatest possible respect by these two fine men of the cloth as they examine the impacts both socially and politically as the presumptive President-elect, Joe Biden, has promised that he will finally address this tragic problem.

Just kidding… they are off on a romp through the World of Coke, Rax Roast Beefs scintillating spokesman, Beer, and how American came to love the parka. And Peruvian Barmaids…

Also… Is it “On this episode” or “In this Episode?” The Grammarly dickedy-dee doesn’t seem to know…