To be absolutely  100% crystal clear, the Rabbi and the Friar hate each other. Deeply.

In the meanwhile, World War III is getting scarier by the moment, although its not without it's  entertaining moments, such as the Chechnyan Special Attack Squad that managed to  get itself trapped in an elevator. Or the Babushka with a jar of pickles and a Russian drone that she didn't want buzzing her. On the down side, the Russians have arrested a major US Basketball "star," and for the last three weeks have kept her in jail as a "high profile hostage."

Down in Texas, where the former ISIS Unitarians gather each Sunday to have torrid affairs and make threats, things are a bit confused about just exactly who is the "victim" in all of this?

Two very good looking Americans are locked in an isolation chamber for a NASA experiment and they know nothing of what is going on in the world right now. The problem? Where is the chamber...?