Previous Episode: Nancy's Giant Balloons
Next Episode: Alex Jones Lips

At long last the  summer voyages are over and the Rabbi and Friar have returned.

After four  thousand miles across the country at 80mph because nowadays that is "safe," and  a couple of gas stops in Oregon, Dave has a serious message for America. Listen  up, because you need to hear this and this nations driver need to their act  together and star driving like we're supposed to.

In the ensuing  days, Dave managed to get his Facebook account nuked. Or maybe not. Who knows?  Facebook isn't saying. But it's now absolutely clear where that line which  cannot be crossed is found.

The parties in New  York City have found a new home, and the entire state of Oregon is just flat out  stupid. All of you.

And just in case  you really didn't want to know about it, AOC is mad and Samantha Bee is at long  last going away...