After getting a  late start on a Passover Sunday morning, the Rabbi is deeply concerned about the rise of AI machines, which are now even being used to make... coffee??? The Good Friar is here to calm things down. Or not...

Elon Musk wants to  buy twitter, which is causing all kinds of Goliardesque behavior that has everybody confused as to whether or not it's satire or whether or not anybody actually believes that Nazi's and King George III both believed in free speech???

In Switzerland, a man overdid a thing, while in cosmic WTFs, the LARGEST COMET EVER FOUND IS ON A  DIRECT COURSE TO EARTH!!!!!!

In "News That We  Don't Know Why Anybody Would Care About," The Queen plays hooky on Easter Sunday, the USFL proves that football has gone soft and it's pretty clear that many of you were absolutely NOT wearing protection during the pandemic.

It'll all make you wonder, What the Frock????