Previous Episode: Alex Jones Lips
Next Episode: This Is Merely Odd

Rabbi Dave is an a mood today. "Why?" the Good Friar Rod will ask? Because Dave had dreams that were smashed by his twelve year old son.

Meanwhile there is a bigger question. Is it actually possible that some of our political "leaders" are really as stupid as they sound? Or is it all just an act, because, seriously, you would have to be a moron to actually believe some of the things that they are  saying in public.

John Hinckley, Jr... you know, the guy that shot the President... is having a tough go of things lately. He want to perform his original music at concerts for which people will pay him gobs of  money, but the  venues keep cancelling his shows because, well... he's still John  Hinckley, Jr. Of course, you can probably guess who's fault this all is...

Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger. Who says so? Well... that would be the FBI. The same FBI that I am told is lying about everything else...

NASA is headed back tot he moon, but sans actual astronauts. It's a test of the new system that cannot be  duplicated on Earth.

Meanwhile, Dave still doesn't have an Entemann's chocolate donut...