The boys are looking for ways to survive the ongoing stress created by the Coronavirus pandemic. While Rod is used to staying home, Dave's family is most definitely not and they want to go to their favorite place to go out to eat. Which locally is still closed, but a hundred miles away, it's open. Albeit in the most  COVID-19 way possible. Meanwhile, Sir Isaac Newton may have found the preventative medicine that we all need to protect ourselves. Yes... even while he was discovering gravity AND inventing calculus,  he found the time to cure all your ills! And if they can get anybody to listen, the boys are ready to shill for ToLo's!

Others seem to no longer care about the virus as protests flow across the nation. Jean-Jaques  Rousseau once explained that it is not possible for a majority to organize itself for anything. Minorities (not just racial) are able to organize much more effectively and thus have always driven the social and political changes in history. We need to be having a full and frank discussion, including what are the deepest problems in the nation without assuming that because we don't agree on everything that we are mortal enemies. While some seem determined to stop any level of conversation, we will be wise to listen to Voltaire's warning. Because that, along with Rousseau's warning, is how evil men and women co-opt entire civilizations.

Rod's BEER of the WEEK is a delicious offering from the local Oakdale,  CA, area.

Space Force is entertaining both the boys, mostly because of John  Malkovich, who one of the three figures of Dave's Actorhead. All of it brought to you by All Natural and Homeopathic ToLo's!