Previous Episode: That's Just Yonkers!
Next Episode: God Save The Queen

Rabbi Dave is back from his nineteen days on the road with a thirteen year old boy. It’s a great way to see America and at the same time miss all the news and happenings that Friar Rod kept up on.

scientists, the same ones who keep telling us that everything is settled, have figured out a way to solve global warming and keep the Earth from overheating. It won’t work, but somebody will get very rich from the plan. Meanwhile, some people think that living longer is a great idea. So…  like a Barnabas Collins wannabe, they are forcing their children to give them blood.

It turns out that there is a very good reason that Dave never ate the piece of artisanal cheese that he bought in Wisconsin (where the real Americans live)…

All that and more this week on What The Frock!