Previous Episode: Distractions
Next Episode: Ask Your Doctor...

Ah, “What the Frock?” – always diving into the deep end of society’s pool, aren’t we? This time around, we’re stirring the pot with an episode that’s sure to get the tongues wagging and maybe a few brows furrowing. The title? “A Failure of Mating Strategies?” Now, that’s a headline that’s both a question and an exclamation, a real hook.

We kick off with a juicy theory that’s been simmering in the social pot: the idea that our mating strategies, or rather the apparent failure of them, are at the heart of the division ripping through modern society. It’s a bold claim, one that our experts dissect with the precision of a surgeon. We’re talking about the evolution of dating, the swipe-left culture, and how the digital age has transformed our quest for companionship. It’s an analysis that’s as enlightening as it is controversial.

Then, we pivot to a listener email that takes us down a different road, one that’s equally bumpy. The topic? Illegal immigration. This isn’t just any email; it’s a heartfelt narrative that paints a vivid picture of the complexities and human stories behind the headlines. It’s a perspective that might just challenge your preconceptions.

But hey, it’s not all heavy stuff. We’ve got an update on Rabbi Dave’s knee – because, let’s face it, we’ve all been on the edge of our seats about that one. 

And we dive into the lighter side of life with a cautionary tale that’s as hilarious as it is bizarre. Why you should never, and I mean never, go through a drive-thru hamburger place after taking super-Viagra or park in a geothermal hot spring. It’s a story that’s got everything: humor, absurdity, and a life lesson you won’t forget.

So, dear listeners, buckle up for an episode of “What the Frock?” that’s guaranteed to entertain, enlighten, and maybe even enrage. It’s a rollercoaster ride through the quirky, the serious, and the downright bizarre aspects of our society. Don’t miss it!