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Gather ’round! I’ve got a tale to spin about our latest episode of “What The Frock?” with our ever-entertaining duo, Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod. This week’s episode, “A Cultlike Adherence to Political Dogma,” is a wild ride, I tell ya – it’s got curses, politics, moon landing conspiracies, and even a dash of personal medical drama!

Let’s kick things off with a journey back in time, shall we? Picture this: the Spanish Conquistadors, decked in their armor, landing in the New World. But, get this – our hosts dive into how these conquerors might have been cursed by Native American gods. Spooky, right? The discussion weaves through history and myth, creating this tapestry that’s both eerie and fascinating. I mean, who doesn’t love a good curse story?

Then, we snap back to the present with American politics. The big news? Chris Christie, big personality and even bigger opinions, bowing out of the 2024 Presidential race. Dave and Rod chew over this like it’s the last piece of brisket at a barbecue – dissecting the whys and hows with their usual flair. They’re not just talking politics; they’re unraveling the fabric of American political theater.

And just when you think it can’t get any more outlandish, we veer into conspiracy territory. Yes, the moon landings – or should I say, the “faked” moon landings? Our hosts put on their detective hats and dive deep into this rabbit hole. I’m not saying they’re convincing me, but let’s just say they know how to spin a yarn that makes you go, “Hmmm.”

But wait, there’s a twist! In the midst of all this, we get a personal story from Dave, and it’s about his disdain for getting an IV. It’s not just a grumble – it’s a full-on epic saga of a man versus the needle. His recounting is so vivid, you can almost feel the cold antiseptic and the pinch on your own arm. It’s a human moment that brings us back down to earth after all that high-flying conspiracy talk.

So, there you have it, folks – this week’s episode of “What The Frock?” is a blend of the mystical, the political, the controversial, and the personal. It’s like mixing a historical documentary with a late-night talk show and a dash of your grandpa’s tall tales. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this. Tune in, kick back, and let Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod take you on a journey that’s as wild as it is weird. And remember, in the world of “What The Frock?”, expect the unexpected!

But NOT the Spanish Inquisition!