We are rewinding to THE ACTORPRENEUR! Born and raised in London, Jade is a multi-award winning actor. Now with over 60 acting jobs, spanning TV, Film, and Theatre, and 500 Voiceover jobs to date, Jade is a well-established face and voice internationally. She earned several best actress nominations for her role in THE INTENT(Netflix), the best acting duo in THE CONTRACT and you can also view NO SHADE on Amazon prime. She is also a writer, producer, and owner of London Independent Pictures. Today we catch with Jade to discuss all her experiences and advice in her new book, ACTORPRENEUR. Released on Nov 4th, Jade details her advice as a working actors guide to staying busy, happy, and healthy. It shows actors how to take control of their careers by creating their own work and taking advantage of marketing and social media. It covers all areas of the business including training, photoshoots, agents, auditions, performing intimate scenes, working onset, creating your own work, and many more. Get ready to dig deep with Jade and her upcoming book! Let’s go on ahead, shall we?

Actorpreneur Website: https://www.actorpreneurbook.com
JA’s Gram: @jadeashaa
Actorpreneur Book 'Gram: @actorpreneurbook
Acting With Asha Podcast ‘Gram: @actingwithasha
Jada Asha Voiceovers ‘Gram: @jadeashavoiceovers
Jade Asha Voiceovers Website: https://www.jadeashavoiceovers.com
London Independent Pictures ‘Gram: @londonindependentpictures
JA’s IMBd: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3547504/
SSR ‘Gram: @ajsoreel
SSR Twitter: @shessoreel
SSR Shownotes: https://shessoreel.com/episode/jade-asha/

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