Are you struggling to demonstrate your value as a freelancer or entrepreneur? You watch the reels and tik toks but have no clue where to begin in creating your own. Much less why you need to do it in the first place. 

Guest India Brown is on the podcast today dropping major gems on how to explode your revenue sales in your female-owned business, using video! 

Today you will learn: 

Tactful steps on video and content creation for your small business How she helped her client had a $70k sales launch using video Shy in front of the camera? India shares her best camera confidence tips so you can get in front of your audience and maximize your impact 

and more!

We all know in 2022, video is king. And now it's time for you to leverage and monetize on it! 

About India: 
As a Video Marketing Strategist and Social Media Manager, India empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners develop a full Social Media and Video Marketing strategy that allows them to show up confidently on camera, stand out and attract more paying clients. Being a busy entrepreneur herself, she understands the importance of making video and social simple and painless yet effective and lasting. She will leave your listeners and/or attendees with nuggets to transform their boring, blah and forgettable content.


Connect with India:

[email protected]


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