Do you feel like you’re missing the mark each and every time when submitting your grant proposal? 

Have you ever thought to yourself,  “maybe I need to sound more eloquent so that they can take me more seriously”? 

Or maybe you are just wondering what the motives are behind the essay questions? What are funders REALLY trying to get at? 

Let me reassure you that you don’t have to add words you can’t pronounce in your proposal to be seen. You just need to follow the criteria. Be concise and clear! 

That is where the proposal rubric comes in handy. 

Think back to grade school, we have a rubric that scores how well each part of the essay conveys its message. 

Now apply that process to proposal writing. There are criteria used by grant reviewers or panelists when scoring to determine whether, or not you will receive the grant award.

So, they didn’t skip over your application because they didn’t like you or your business idea. It was most likely because they had criteria you didn’t meet, to be eligible for the grant. 

There are no gray areas here - you either meet the criteria or you don’t.  

So don’t beat yourself up, it is time to figure out exactly what they are scoring from. 


Here are ways you can find that grant rubric :

> The guidelines, eligibility, and FAQ’s. Read through them! Print it out and highlight it. 

> At information webinars, If it’s not included in their presentation, you can always ask at the end during Q +A 

> Email the grants administrator 


Once you found the rubric: 

> Print it out, and follow it when writing out your proposal. 

> When you give your application to your proofreader (OR if you are proofreading it yourself) score yourself! Try and get as close to 100%.

> It’s important to be objective. Remember, no grey areas!

Feel confident when submitting your grant proposal! It’s never a waste of time because with each application submitted you're only finding areas in your vision you can improve!

Don’t despise the process! 

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