Check out our latest episode as we take a look at a growing sub-genre, the “bromance” (or “bromantic comedy”, if you will), with perhaps one of the earliest of its kind, the 2004 film Sideways. Featuring unlikeable characters doing unlikeable things, … Continue reading →

Check out our latest episode as we take a look at a growing sub-genre, the “bromance” (or “bromantic comedy”, if you will), with perhaps one of the earliest of its kind, the 2004 film Sideways. Featuring unlikeable characters doing unlikeable things, with a hint of road-trip, male-bonding, budding romance, this wine-fest/character study maintains a gentle, thoughtful air… and even with all that drunk driving. So much drunk driving.

Also, do you remember that Paul Giamatti was in Private Parts? We sure do.

This week we welcome back special guest Rob Laronde from Rewatchability.

Episode 39 – SIDEWAYS