Previous Episode: Pokies w/ Tim Costello

Hospitals are never a place that we want to spend a whole lot of time at. Unless, of course, we require urgent medical attention - in that case they are exactly the place to be.
Mostly though, it’s a place of sickness and sadness, a place of pain and painful waits. A place where staff are stretched, especially as they deal with the added pressure of a pandemic. So, what shall we do about hospitals?
Georgie Carroll spent years working as a nurse in public hospitals around the world, before switching gears and launching into the world of comedy. She’s just released her first book, Off the Charts, which is a memoir of her time working as a nurse. In this conversation we talk about nursing, comedy, and what can be done to improve our hospitals.
Georgie Carroll’s book Off the Charts is out now. Georgie is on Instagram @nurse_georgie_carroll, and you can find out more about Georgie and her upcoming shows at
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What Shall We Do About...? is hosted and produced by Sam Robinson, who is on Twitter @samsquareeyes.

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