How good is honey?
That sweet taste on toast in the morning providing that little kick of sugar to get you moving. We can often see its maker - the bee - as a nuisance, something that stings and buzzes, rather than provides. Sadly, bee populations around the world are in steady decline due to a number of factors, and this is a real problem - not just for honey lovers, but the entire population. It has been said recently, in a David Attenborough documentary no less, that if bees were to disappear from the face of the earth, humans would have only four years left to live. Scary thought, isn’t it?
Well, what shall we do about bees? You might be surprised by the person I called to discuss this with: TV host Johanna Griggs, from Seven’s long-running lifestyle show Better Homes and Gardens. She's a self-professed 'crazy bee lady' - and I have no doubt after hearing this episode you'll have a whole new respect for these yellow and black winged creatures.
You can keep up with Johanna's beekeeping adventures on Instagram @JohGriggs7 and on Twitter @JohGriggs7. Joh hosts Better Homes and Gardens, Friday evenings from 7pm on the Seven Network.
The article referenced in this podcast is ‘Bees Are Dying - What Can We Do About It?’ by Stephen Smiley at the ABC.
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What Shall We Do About...? is hosted and produced by Sam Robinson, who is on Twitter @samsquareeyes.

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