Jena Griswold (D-CO) is the Democratic nominee for Secretary of State in Colorado. We talk about the use of “dark money” in political campaigns, Jena’s experience as a voter protection attorney for the 2012 Obama campaign, and how Secretaries of State are responsible for implementing cyber security measures to prevent voter fraud. Connect with Jena jenaforcolorado.comTwitterFacebook Jena …

Jena Griswold (D-CO) is the Democratic nominee for Secretary of State in Colorado. We talk about the use of “dark money” in political campaigns, Jena’s experience as a voter protection attorney for the 2012 Obama campaign, and how Secretaries of State are responsible for implementing cyber security measures to prevent voter fraud.

Connect with Jena

Jena Griswold (D-CO) is an anti-corruption attorney from rural Colorado, and the Democratic nominee for Secretary of State in Colorado. After serving as a voting rights lawyer for the 2012 Obama campaign, she worked as Director of the Governor’s DC office, where she ensured hundreds of millions of dollars of relief got back to her homestate after the 2013 floods. Jena is leading the charge to ensure equal voting rights and election security for all.

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