Join Hirschbach's Chris Schmitt and Jason Weber as we review the latest news and upcoming initiatives here at Hirschbach Motor Lines!

• Today is the Friday before Thanksgiving and one of the busiest days of the year.
• We have a record load count going.
• Continuing to keep our focus on being safe. We had our first jackknife of the season.
• There is a major snowstorm is coming through this week/weekend- be vigilant, plan ahead, and be prepared. Keep your extra gear to stay warm, non-perishable food, and water.
• The Weather Task Force is being ramped up to help you and provide additional communication.
• If you have not already- please complete the Winter Driving Training on the App

Drivers of the Month is nominated by the Driver Manager and Account Manager within the organization. Safety, Service, and Dedication to Excellence are the criteria that is used.
• Dedicated- Kevin Gloria- is on the Demkota Fleet out of Aberdeen. Thank you for your dedication to service and safety!

• OTR- Brett Franzen- been at Hirschbach for almost 12 years. Always has a smile on his place, dressed for success, delivers a ton of freight, and is always willing to help.

Holiday Next week:
Thank you to all of our drivers, we appreciate all of the work that you do and the support system you have for putting in the effort to make Hirschbach a successful organization.
**Please get a meal on Hirschbach next week. Scan in your receipt and we will cover it.
We have a lot to be thankful for and our Drivers are at the top of our list.