Jackie Roberts is the Executive Director for SparkLabs Frontier-ASU. For over ten years, Jackie has helped organizations expand in the valley during hyper-growth times and in various leadership roles. She joined SparkLabs Group in 2019 to lead the SparkLabs Frontier-ASU accelerator program in partnership with ASU entrepreneurship and innovation. 

Jackie has been responsible for several brand market and office launches within the startup space, with the most notable being Booker Software and DoubleDutch. 

With a passion for supporting local entrepreneurship, Jackie is committed to building more local Phoenix startup success stories.

In this episode…

Entrepreneurs trying to raise funds are often unsure when it comes to the best source of capital to prioritize. Should you spend your time pursuing grants, angel investments, venture capital, or all three? Jackie Roberts says that whichever route you choose, you need to have an effective plan that makes the outcome of going to investors predictable. That involves setting your priorities straight and deciding on the funding your business qualifies for, before going after it. 

Find out more about preparing to face investors and predicting the outcome of asks in this episode of the What’s Your Ask Podcast as Stephanie Sims interviews Jackie Roberts, the Executive Director of SparkLabs Frontier-ASU. Listen along as they discuss how entrepreneurs are navigating Big Scary Asks, how to prepare for investors, how to decide the type of funding to go after, and more.