Gloria Chou is a US Diplomat turned PR guru. She is the master of the cold call, creator of the first PR-in-a-box solution for early-stage founders called the PR Starter Pack, and she is a pitching guru to startups. Her mission is to help early-stage founders get featured in top tier outlets and gain recognition as industry leaders without having to buy into the agency model of doing things. 

In this episode…

Whether you’re an early-stage founder or not, if you haven’t done PR already, it’s something you should consider doing. And coincidentally, now is the best time to do it. But there is a required relationship-building when it comes to public relations, so the earlier you start, the sooner you get to share your story with the world, even if you think your product isn’t such a big deal.

Gloria Chou says to overcome your fear of rejection, you need to give yourself permission to offer your product to the media and show how you’re contributing to the world. Because in the long run, earned media will put you online for decades as opposed to pay-per-click advertising that goes away in just a few clicks. So how can you leverage PR today? 

Join Stephanie Sims and Gloria Chou of Gloria Chou PR on this episode of What’s Your Ask Podcast as they discuss how PR works and how you can use it for your company’s advantage. They also talk about why companies need to look into how they do public relations and the common mistakes early-stage founders make when they first approach the media. Stay tuned.