Jaime Rein knows what working under pressure is like, having been a trained chef for many years prior to getting into bookkeeping. When she made the move, she thought she was leaving that world behind but quickly realized how much her training benefited her bookkeeping career. Being flexible to pivot at any moment, working through stressful times, being confident in your skills, having grace under fire, and “presenting the plate” to the customer are all very similar in both worlds – and things Jaime does very well. While training to be a chef, she learned the phrase “mise en place”, which is French or everything has it’s place, which just so happens to be exactly the same as bookkeeping.


In this episode, Jaime and I talk about how she was reluctant to share her past with clients for fear they wouldn’t take her seriously. The only downside she’s found is now people are nervous inviting her over for dinner thinking that she’ll be judging their cooking. She has realized how much she’s able to relate to her clients because most of them are also small business owners who have big dreams but could be at a point where they might need to walk away, which she proves is completely okay. Most importantly, by sharing passions you begin to realize that no one really conforms because we all have a story that is both unique and brilliant. In Jaime’s words, "It makes life a little bit brighter when you’re not talking just numbers."


Jaime Rein is the owner of Rein Business Services in Prince George, British Columbia.


She graduated from the College of New Caledonia with a Bookkeeping degree and later earned her CPB designation.