Jason cooks up great coworker relationships


Jason Kalies grew up on a small family dairy farm in Wisconsin so he appreciates cultivating the land for fresh food. Then one day he decided to share his homemade salsa and marinades with a team visiting from out of town and deep coworker relationships were made.

In this episode, we talk about whiskey, the Circus Parade in Milwaukee, growing up on a dairy farm and why baking is better than cooking -- not necessarily in that order. Jason is currently a senior manager at big 4 accounting firm - having spent over 15 years in the accounting world in both public accounting and industry.

After graduating from St. Norbert College outside of Green Bay Wisconsin, Jason started working at PwC. He later worked for a bank for several years before returning to public accounting a few years ago.



Other pictures of Jason
(click to enlarge)

Boiling Ball Jars as part of the peach canning process.

Jason gets ready to can some peaches.

Jason sets up his "12 Whiskies of Christmas".

Jason's links
