Jeff Crosley is a natural when it comes to performing, especially when it comes to the piano. He's been playing since he was very young and continued that passion through college, playing jazz and pop rock whenever he gets the chance. One such opportunity came before his firm's hospitality suite at an event in Atlantic City. As the Marketing Manager, he had taken the lead on planning and organizing the event. To take the edge off a little before the guests arrived, Jeff decided to sit at the piano that was in the room as decoration. And he never stopped. Both guests and firm partners encouraged Jeff to keep playing, often making requests and buying him drinks. This one moment has been the topic of conversation both in the office and with clients who were at the event.

In this episode, Jeff and I talk about that night and how using his piano skills made for such a great work event. We also discuss how his practicing and performing music is very similar to running marketing campaigns for the firm. And to never feel like you're the only one in your office who participates in a particular hobby or passion. He says, "Some people might think no one else shares their hobby but you don't know until you're talking about it."