Shannon is a litigator practicing primarily in the products liability, toxic torts, government contracts, and financial services spaces. He loves the people he works with and the work is (usually) pretty exciting. However, music and cars have always been his passion. He has been a musician for as long as he can remember. “I was playing ‘drums’ on pots and pans on the kitchen floor before I could carry a tune (or hold my bladder)”. Shannon started working on cars as soon as he “could see under a hood”. He spent the first 10 years after college as an engineer for a Big 3 auto manufacturer, the next few years running a hot rod shop, the next 5 as a professional musician and college instructor, and the last 8 years or so building his legal practice.

Shannon Peters talks about his love for cars, his previous careers in the auto & music industries, and how this experience is applied to his career today as an attorney! He also shares with us his experience with his office discovering his passion in music and their reaction!