Rachel started geocaching after a friend introduced her to it in college. That’s where you’re in a worldwide scavenger hunt for hidden “treasures” using your GPS. After you find them, you sign or stamp that you were there, put it back for the next person to find, and make note of it online. Unless, of course, it’s your engagement ring – which is the really creative way her husband proposed to her!

In this episode, Rachel and I talk about how geocaching has allowed her to be more persistent and to look at issues at work from different angles. She’s also found it is helpful in making her more creative and keeps the inspiration flowing, which are both ideal when you’re in marketing. At first, she was reluctant to share because she didn’t want it t come across as a distraction. But Rachel began to open up over time, as she got more confident in her work skills and sensing the genuine interest of those around her.