Mark Winburn had always played musical instruments but it never occurred to him to try singing until he was at a Young Life meeting. Then he started with his college choir and later became a member of his church choir. But then work began taking more of his time, so he put his singing passion on the shelf for a few years. What work took away, it gave back, when his work party had karaoke, giving him the opportunity to rekindle his passion. And now he’s a finalist in Houston’s Pride Superstar competition!

In this episode, Mark and I talk about how his singing competitions have allowed him to create a positive spirit of camaraderie with others in his firm. He’s been so moved by the support he’s gotten at his performances, seeing several of them in the audience. Mark says, “For me, singing is me breathing in happy.” He’s very cognizant of others needing to find and share their interests as well, so he’s careful not to schedule things that will interfere with this.